Bordeaux, 25-9-99, Registered letter (Ack. of receipt)

Alain DONNART - Informatique et Traductions -
14 rue François-Lévêque 33300 Bordeaux
Tél & Fax 05 56 50 53 09
E- mail
M. BARATIER Vineyard Manager
Château Haut-Brion
33608 PESSAC Cedex

   The next passage in the 3rd millennium is a good opportunity to change some traditions of another age.
I write to you after the harvest, and I did not tell you directly about it in order to stay away from harassments, threats and violence that I have suffered again this year :
what would you say if you had been thrown in a truck as it occurred to me last year and this year (this time, furthermore, I had a watch and glasses in an inside pocket situated in a place close to the heart), if one of your boots had been thrown away in the vineyards, and if you had been threatened to have your trousers taken off in public or that if you had been gagged with a sticky paper as it occurred to the grape picker called 'Jacques' (you gave him a pullover) last year? Would you assert that such practices are just innocents jokes?
Justification by the tradition is not only false (in your estate, because I have been a grape picker there 30 years ago and such was not the case ; no more than in the other prestigious 'Châteaux' because during the previous two years, I harvested in the 'Château MARGAUX' where none of the employees never did such things), but also and above all morally unacceptable.
I plan to initiate 'the true moral debate which is necessary', and to reveal openly to all the media (television, local radios, forums of the wine-producing Internet sites, emails to the elected representatives, CD, press... ) the serious blows on the dignity suffered by the grapeharvesters in some estates and especially in a "1er grand crû", as well as various types of concerted violence.
From now on, I take steps - for reasons of security - in order that these facts are broadcasted even though I have an unfortunate accident, measures that will reduce the risk of intruding coincidences.
Besides, without the recognition of the gravity of these facts, some insurance against new abuses, and compensation to settle out of court, I shall summon the persons responsible, and I shall lodge a penal complaint.
In that case, the charges would be rather those of the assaults (maybe without intention to hurt, but at least without worrying about possible wound from broken glass or secateurs) with premeditation and repetition, along with depredations of property(the steering of my scooter was bended, a tyre was punctured last year in the cycle of a grape picker).
You probably know about the general instruction given by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General to deal ruthlessly with such humiliations and physical violence which are an inadmissible deviation of some traditional rites of integration (ragging)..

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Here, facts are worse because the point is not to integrate (an initiation rite is undergone only once by the applicant), but to subdue (cf. the books "Moral harassment" and "the Barbarous Company").
I did propose peace since the start of the harvest, this was turned down by one of the two tractor drivers, and until the last day the coalition of the 'vassals' grew.
I am willing to help you to find an amicable arrangement by accepting - as you accepted that 'Roberto's anger has been transferred to you anger has been transferred to you - to take upon me the frustration of those who mistake right for the the law of the jungle, and could be forced to respect others by judicial power.

I rely on you to remind them that social life is tolerable only on the basis of mutual respect, and make them meditate this beautiful sentence from Rousseau : 'the stronger is never strong enough to be always the stronger'.

If on the one hand I have to thank you - and I do it without reservation - for your understanding during my job, and because you found a peaceful solution to the problem put by the lack of respect - and it is an euphemism - that Roberto had shown towards the foreman, on the other hand I cannot accept that you had not taken all necessary steps to stop the manoeuvres of the tractor drivers, who are under the vineyard manager's authority. Rest assured that I don't want at all to embarrass you, but you should understand as well that I'll be a masochist if I accepted again such maltreatments without any reaction, and that it is my duty to try to prevent the other grape pickers to suffer them after me.
You will be liable for taking action only when a foreman is involved when respect is due to everyone.

I applied to you because you showed understanding, as well as in pursuance of of the principle of subsidiarity.
Now, I am keen to get the necessary reassurances. A sign of willingness would be for example to tell that it's not by shutting up doors and windows that one will prevent guilty conscience from resulting in glassy stares and shifty eyes.

Failing which, I will have no other way out than to inform Mr. J.B. DELMAS and, if necessary, the owners who certainly have their heart set on maintaining the classification of their estate, and so we would be able to check if "noblesse oblige".

Finally, even though good will is shown for next year, you will easily understand that I couldn't think working there next year, because certainly resentment would not have completely decanted. Therefore, it will be necessary to take into account the loss of earnings for the damages.

   I dare believe that our common willingness will allow this festive event not to be spoiled any more, and that your answer will not disappoint me.

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